The best place to move in America as an Armenian

If you’re Armenian-American and thinking of moving chances are you live in or near California, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, or Michigan. Here is our ranking of the top places to consider moving.
Cost of Living & Taxes
- Tennessee
- Florida
- Texas
- Georgia
- Virginia
- North Carolina
With no state income tax, Tennessee, Florida, and Texas easily take top spots on our list. Tennessee edges ahead because it has low property taxes. If you run a business, Texas might edge ahead because it also has no corporate income tax.
Property Costs
- Tennessee
- Georgia
- North Carolina
- Virginia
- Texas
- Florida
Being able to afford property is a major factor for many as they consider where to move. The top 3 of Tennessee, Georgia, and North Carolina all have areas with very affordable property. Tennessee edges the others out as some of this affordable property is still in or near the cities.
Environment Factors
Climate, Natural beauty, Bugs, Risks
- Tennessee
- North Carolina
- Virginia
- Florida
- Georgia
- Texas
This one is difficult to rank because it really depends if you prefer flat-lands, mountains or living on the coast. Florida, while beautiful, regularly has destructive hurricanes and bugs are a constant source of annoyance. Texas has tons of bugs too, has water scarcity issues, and exposure to cartel chaos. Tennessee earns top spot, specifically the Upper Cumberland region, because it has no natural disasters, four seasons where you can grow nearly any type of food, and feels like the northern region of Armenia.
- Texas
- Florida
- Tennessee
- Georgia
- North Carolina
- Virginia
Arguably the three most significant cultural cities in the south are Austin, Texas; Miami, Florida; and Nashville, Tennessee. Texas and Florida take top spots in the culture ranking because of the sheer number of cities with diverse cultures in their state. If you seek a more rural lifestyle Tennessee, North Carolina, Georgia, Texas and Virginia can also accommodate that with moderate amounts of travel to the local Armenian community.
Political Stability
- Tennessee
- North Carolina
- Virginia
- Georgia
- Florida
- Texas
When deciding where to move, you want to know what you are signing up for. For example, supposing you are leaving the North East, you’d hate to spend 20 years building a home some place that turns into the North East. Tennessee is the clear winner in this regard because it is the only state on the ranking that isn’t “Purple” or at risk of becoming “Purple.” Tennessee is squarely conservative and there does not seem to be any indication of this changing.
Armenian Presence
- Florida
- Virginia
- Texas
- North Carolina
- Georgia
- Tennessee
The top 3 of Florida, Virginia, and Texas have the most Armenian churches and largest Armenian communities within reach if you were to move there. Tennessee has a small Armenian community in Nashville and otherwise would require a several hour drive to an Armenian church in Georgia or North Carolina. This is the factor that Tennessee scores the worst on at the moment.
The Winner
As you can see, Tennessee scores at or near the top, making it our winner and one of the best places to live in the country. Tennessee has one major problem – little Armenian presence. We aim to address this with the Hyeland Project. Our goal is to build a community in the Upper Cumberland region of Tennessee that will grow into a uniquely awesome Armenian place combining rural charm and urban connectivity.
Our families moved to this country with the ambition to survive. Our parents took it one step further and thrived. Our generations’ goal should be to optimize and pick the best possible place to set roots.