No State Income Tax

Let’s suppose you make $100,000/yr. In California you’re losing $6,302 of that from income taxes. In New York it is $5,890 and $5,000 if you’re in Massachusetts. Move to Tennessee and congrats you’ve given yourself a raise.

Low Cost of Living

Things are still affordable in Tennessee. From education to an ice cream cone, your money goes much farther. You can work less hours and spend more time doing what you love, or grind hard and save a lot more.

Property is Affordable

You can expect to save over 50% versus a comparable property on the coasts. You don’t need to give up your work from home freedom by getting a burdensome mortgage. Best of all, property taxes are low too. You can easily afford the property after you retire.

Abundant Nature

The worst thing about work from home can be not getting out of the house enough. Fortunately, in the Upper Cumberland region of Tennessee, you can likely get a magnificent view from your home office window and be surrounded by picturesque hiking trails and lakes.

Friendly People

Walk down the street in NYC or Boston and you’ll notice an alarming number of people look disgruntled. They are burdened with concern. You’ll find that in the south generally, and in Tennessee specifically, there is a calmness and peace that comes with the lifestyle.

Investment Opportunities

Now that you’ve optimized your work from home situation, you could be saving lots of money. Fortunately, this area of Tennessee, as a vacation destination for both Nashville and Atlanta is ripe for investment.

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