The Great Taking? Maybe not in Tennessee!

I don’t know what to call it aside from providence.
I came across a strange post on twitter/x describing the bankruptcy of a cryptocurrency ponzi custodian called Celsius. It was explained that account holders who had withdrawn their money before the crash and closure of Celsius, were having their funds legally “clawed-back” and taken from them. I couldn’t understand this. In the comments, I read this is now standard part of bankruptcy laws. Stranger still I saw the claim that;
What he describes will happen also to all stock accounts after a big crash. All of you are just unsecured creditors. Read „The Great Taking“. @moral_minority
Shocking claim. So I began reading “The Great Taking” by David Rogers Webb.
Mr. Webb is a former Hedge fund manager who discovered that the hundreds of years of property right norms for securities was secretly being subverted. He explains in great details, citing primary sources from the horse’s mouth, how the high-level financial institutions that manage assets-backed securities have taken priority claim over the owners of the property in the event of a insolvency. In other words you have limited property rights on the stocks you think you own and the house you have on mortgage, that you think you own. Essentially all the financial products, the securities that make up our economy, and the assets which back them are up for grabs by the banking elite. We are talking about the largest and most insidious transfer of wealth ever devised. As David Webb explains on the “about the book” section of his website;
It is about the taking of collateral (all of it), the end game of the current globally synchronous debt accumulation super cycle. This scheme is being executed by long-planned, intelligent design, the audacity and scope of which is difficult for the mind to encompass. Included are all financial assets and bank deposits, all stocks and bonds; and hence, all underlying property of all public corporations, including all inventories, plant and equipment; land, mineral deposits, inventions and intellectual property. Privately owned personal and real property financed with any amount of debt will likewise be taken, as will the assets of privately owned businesses which have been financed with debt. If even partially successful, this will be the greatest conquest and subjugation in world history.
So why is it providence you ask? This is horribly disturbing. Yes, you are right it is. I am sickened by it. I literally almost started crying outside my son’s gym class yesterday just thinking of how destructive this all will be. However, that very night, I learned of something amazing.
David Webb traveled to Tennessee in March 2024 and has been making progress to convince their legislature to pass a resolution that undoes the damage and returns property rights to the security holders of Tennessee. As far as I can tell, Tennessee is the only place in the West (USA, EU, etc.) that is taking this measure to protect their citizens. House Bill 2806 (HB2806) in the Tennessee General Assembly was deferred to the Summer Study in the Civil Justice Committee on March 20, 2024. This action means that the bill will be studied further during the summer session rather than moving forward immediately in the legislative process.
When you raise a warning like this, especially one so extreme, you risk your reputation and can easily look like an asshole. I certainly felt that way when I was educating my social network about the dangers of central banking and the benefit of pre-2017 Bitcoin. Today, the same awkwardness exists as I figure out how to suggest to my family and friends that the house they are working tirelessly on, may very well be taken from them during a market crash even if they don’t miss any payments. It is not a pretty message.
Hopefully the great taking never comes to pass, but the book makes a strong case that it will and it has been set up to do so.
Read the book. Watch the videos and share the news to protect yourself and those you love.
There are many reasons to love Tennessee and move here. Next time someone asks you “why Tennessee?” you can now simply say that Tennessee might soon have the strongest property rights in the entire western world.
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